Tressa Capoccia
What’s your current position?
I am the Senior Education Director at the Greater Scranton YMCA. I began this position at the Y last year, although I have been with the organization since November 2021. My responsibilities include overseeing the daily operations of two Early Learning Centers and assuring the compliance of Department of Human Services regulations. Additionally, I am the main contact for the Keystone STARS Quality and Improvement System as well as Praesidium, a partnership to prevent child abuse at my YMCA.
What would you say most motivates you to do the work you do?
The children enrolled in our Early Learning Programs motivate me to continuously strive to provide them with the best education possible. Providing these children with meaningful and diverse opportunities sets the foundation for lifetime learning and educational success.
Where did you grow up and did you go to a college/trade school after high school?
I grew up in West Virginia where I attended West Virginia University. I graduated with a Bachelor's Degree from the Board of Regents in 2016. I found myself in NEPA after meeting my now husband, who was born and raised in Dunmore.
Did you have any key mentors or people who deeply influenced who you are?
I have been fortunate to have multiple people influence me both personally and professionally. I am inspired daily by many of my colleagues at the Greater Scranton YMCA. These people embody empathy, service, and a love for our community.
My parents and husband Chris have held the most influence in who I am today. Their unwavering love and support have allowed me to find myself and my passions. They encourage and challenge me to think and act in a way that will make them and myself proud.
How did you learn about Leadership Lackawanna?
I learned about Leadership Lackawanna through the many alumni we have on staff at the Greater Scranton YMCA. My time in the 2023 CORE program was an incredible experience. After only living in NEPA for 2 short years, I was not well rounded with what our community had to offer until I participated in Leadership Lackawanna. The CORE program introduced me to a diverse group of professionals and many leading community partners as well as enhanced my leadership skills. Post graduation I have stayed active as a Leadership Lackawanna alumni as I serve on the Events Committee.
6. Let’s get personal: tell us your favorite movie, favorite book, favorite TV show, favorite NEPA landmark, or favorite local restaurant!
Favorite Movie: Goodfellas
Favorite Restaurant: Russel's or The Refinery